SN8_4: Ānanda Sutta

Ānanda Sutta - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

“With sensual lust            I burn.

My mind            is on fire.

Please, Gotama,            from compassion,

tell me how

to put it out.”

Ven. Ānanda:

“From distorted perception

your mind is on fire.

Shun the theme            of the beautiful

accompanied by lust.

See mental fabrications      as other,

as stress,

& not-self.

Extinguish your great lust.

Don’t keep burning again & again.

Develop the mind

—well-centered & one—

in the foul,

through the foul.

Have your mindfulness

immersed in the body.

Be one who pursues


Develop the theme-less.1

Cast out conceit.

Then, from breaking through


you will go on your way,

at peace.”


1. The themeless concentration of awareness. See MN 121 and SN 41:7.

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