“In the deep-looking forest,
teeming with terrors,
having plunged into the wilderness
—desolate, empty—
unflinchingly, steadfastly, compellingly,
you practice jhāna, monk:
How very lovely you look!
Where no song is sung,
where no music is played,
alone in the wilderness:
the forest-dwelling sage.
This looks amazing to me—
that you live alone in the forest
with rapturous mind.
I suppose it’s in longing
for the three heavens unexcelled,
in the company of the ruling lord of the worlds,
that, staying here in the wilderness, desolate,
you practice austerities
for attaining Brahmā.”
The Buddha:
“Whatever the longings or delights
to various levels of being,
or yearnings born
from the root of unknowing:
I’ve destroyed them all,
down to the root.
without longing,
with purified vision
with regard to all things,
having reached self-awakening,
sublime, unexcelled—
practice jhāna hidden from Brahmā,
1. In the PTS edition of the Pali Canon, this last line reads, jhāyām’ahaṁbrāhmaṇarahovissārado—“I practice jhāna, brahman, in seclusion, matured.” This, however, does not fit in with the rhythm of the verse, and so for that reason I have followed the Thai edition here—jhāyām’ahaṁ brahma-raho visārado—which does fit in with the rhythm. This reading also has the advantage of providing a neat contrast to the reference to Brahmā in the brahman’s last line
The compound brahma-raho, “Brahmā-private,” can be read in either of two ways: either private like a Brahmā or private to—i.e., hidden from—Brahmā. The first reading would simply convey the fact that the practice of jhāna puts one in a mental state equivalent to a Brahmā. The second reading points to the fact that the Buddha, in having gained awakening, meditates in a way that even Brahmās cannot perceive or understand. I have chosen this latter reading because it parallels the message in AN 11:10.
Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/SN/SN7_18.html