One whose conviction in the Tathāgata
is well-established, unshakable;
whose virtue is admirable,
appealing to the noble ones, praised;
who has confidence in the Saṅgha,
& vision made straight:
“Not poor,” they say of him.
Not in vain his life.
So conviction & virtue,
confidence & Dhamma-vision
should be cultivated by the intelligent,
remembering the Buddhas’ teachings.4
1. Following the Sri Lankan, Burmese, and PTS editions. The Thai edition here has aveccappsādena, “verified confidence,” which is surely a mistake.
2. The four pairs are (1) the person on the path to stream-entry, the person experiencing the fruit of stream-entry; (2) the person on the path to once-returning, the person experiencing the fruit of once-returning; (3) the person on the path to non-returning, the person experiencing the fruit of non-returning; (4) the person on the path to arahantship, the person experiencing the fruit of arahantship. The eight individuals are the eight types forming these four pairs.
3. MN 117 states that the path factors of right knowledge and right release apply only to an arahant. Why they are here attributed to Anāthapiṇḍika, who is a stream-winner, the Commentary does not say.
4. In Thailand, these verses are often chanted in ceremonies for dedicating merit to those who have passed away.
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