Ud 8:4 Unbinding (4) (Nibbāna Sutta)

Ud 8:4 Unbinding (4) (Nibbāna Sutta) - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

One who is dependent has wavering. One who is independent has no wavering. There being no wavering, there is calm. There being calm, there is no yearning. There being no yearning, there is no coming or going. There being no coming or going, there is no passing away or arising. There being no passing away or arising, there is neither a here nor a there nor a between-the-two. This, just this, is the end of stress.1


1. In MN 144 and SN 35:87, Ven. Cunda quotes this passage as a teaching of the Buddha and tells Ven. Channa to keep it firmly in mind.

Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/KN/Ud/ud8_4.html