Ud 8:10 Dabba (2) (Dabba Sutta)

Ud 8:10 Dabba (2) (Dabba Sutta) - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Just as the destination of a glowing fire

struck with a [blacksmith’s] iron hammer,

gradually growing calm,

isn’t known:1

Even so, there’s no destination to describe

for those rightly released

–having crossed over the flood

of sensuality’s bond–

for those who’ve attained

unwavering bliss.


1. For a discussion of the ancient Buddhist view of what happened to an extinguished fire, see The Mind Like Fire Unbound, Chapters 1 and 2.

Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/KN/Ud/ud8_10.html