Ud 5:3 The Leper (Kuṭṭhi Sutta)

Ud 5:3 The Leper (Kuṭṭhi Sutta) - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

As one with eyes & having energy


treacherous, uneven places,

so a wise one, in the world of life,



evil deeds.2


1. A Private Buddha is one who gains awakening without relying on the teachings of others, but who cannot formulate the Dhamma to teach others in the way a Full Buddha can.

2. This verse is an example of a “lamp”–a poetic figure explained in the note to Ud 1:3. In this case the lamp-word is “would/should avoid.”

Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/KN/Ud/ud5_3.html