Ud 2:7 The Only Son (Ekaputta Sutta)

Ud 2:7 The Only Son (Ekaputta Sutta) - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Tied down by the allure

of what seems dear,1

hosts of devas, most human beings,

worn out with misery,

fall under the sway

of the King of Death.

But those who, day & night,

heedfully abandon

what seems dear,

dig up misery

by the root–

Death’s bait

so hard

to overcome.


1. Following the reading, piyarūpassāda-gaddhitāse in the Thai, Burmese, and BJT editions. The Sri Lankan edition available from the Journal of Buddhist Ethics has, piyarūpa-sātarūpa-gaddhitā ye: “Those tied down by what seems dear & what seems agreeable”; the PTS edition, piyarūpāsāta-gaddhitā ve: “Truly tied down by what seems dear & what is disagreeable.” The parallel passage in the Udānavarga (5.10) has, priyarūpa-sāta-grathitā: “Tied down by what seems dear and is agreeable.”

Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/KN/Ud/ud2_7.html