Thag 5:10 Yasadatta

Thag 5:10 Yasadatta - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Intent on quibbling,

the dullard hears the Conqueror’s teaching.

He’s as far from the True Dhamma

as the ground is from the sky.

Intent on quibbling,

the dullard hears the Conqueror’s teaching.

He wanes from the True Dhamma

like the moon in the dark half of the month.

Intent on quibbling,

the dullard hears the Conqueror’s teaching.

He dries up in the True Dhamma

like a fish in next to no water.

Intent on quibbling,

the dullard hears the Conqueror’s teaching.

He doesn’t grow in the True Dhamma,

like a rotten seed in a field.

But whoever hears the Conqueror’s teaching

with guarded1 intent,

doing away with effluents


realizing the unshakable,

attaining the foremost peace,


totally unbinds.


1. Reading guttena with the Thai edition. Other editions have tuṭṭhena, “contented.”

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