Dhp I : Pairs

Dhp I : Pairs - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

‘He       insulted me,

hit me,

beat me,

robbed me’

–for those who brood on this,

hostility isn’t stilled.

One who stays focused on the beautiful,

is unrestrained with the senses,

knowing no moderation in food,

apathetic, unenergetic:

Mara overcomes him

as the wind, a weak tree.

He who,



of truthfulness

& self-control,

puts on the ochre robe,

doesn’t deserve the ochre robe.

Those who regard

non-essence as essence

and see essence as non-,

don’t get to the essence,

ranging about in wrong resolves.

As rain seeps into

an ill-thatched hut,

so passion,

the undeveloped mind.


he grieves

he grieves


In both worlds

the wrong-doer grieves.

He grieves, he’s afflicted,

seeing the corruption

of his deeds.

If he recites many teachings, but

–heedless man–

doesn’t do what they say,

like a cowherd counting the cattle of


he has no share in the contemplative life.

Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/KN/Dhp/Ch01.html