AN6_92: Ṭhāna Sutta

Ṭhāna Sutta - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

“Monks, these six are impossible cases. Which six?

“It’s impossible for a person consummate in view1 to live without respect or deference for the Teacher. It’s impossible for a person consummate in view to live without respect or deference for the Dhamma. It’s impossible for a person consummate in view to live without respect or deference for the Saṅgha. It’s impossible for a person consummate in view to live without respect or deference for the Training [heightened virtue, heightened concentration, heightened discernment]. It’s impossible for a person consummate in view to return to that which should not be gone to.2 It’s impossible for a person consummate in view to produce an eighth state of becoming.3

“These six are impossible cases.”


1. Consummate in view, diṭṭhi-sampanna, is an epithet for a person who has attained stream-entry.

2. According to the Commentary, this means that the stream-enterer cannot intentionally break any of the five precepts or adopt any of the 62 wrong views listed in DN 1.

3. In other words, the stream-enterer has, at most, no more than seven future births before gaining full awakening.

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