‘Whoever, a thinker,
knowing both sides,
doesn’t adhere in between: He
I call a great person. He
here has gone past
the seamstress.’1
‘Whoever, a thinker,
knowing both sides,
doesn’t adhere in between: He
I call a great person. He
here has gone past
the seamstress’—
1. The version of this verse in the Thai edition of this discourse reads:
Yo ubh’ante viditvāna majjhe mantā na limpati
Taṁ brūmi mahāpuriso so’dha sibbanim-accagāti.
In the Thai edition of Sn 5:2, however, the verse is slightly different:
So ubh’antam-abhiññāya majjhe mantā na limpati
Taṁ brūmi mahāpurisoti so’dha sibbanim-accagāti.
This would translate as:
He, a thinker
knowing both sides,
doesn’t adhere in between. He
I call a great person. He
here has gone past
the seamstress.
2. On the cessation of contact as unbinding, see SN 35:117.
Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/AN/AN6_61.html