AN6_55: Soṇa Sutta

Soṇa Sutta - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

When one’s awareness is dedicated

to renunciation, seclusion,

non-afflictiveness, the ending of clinging,

the ending of craving, & non-deludedness,

seeing the arising of the sense media,

the mind is rightly released.

For that monk, rightly released,

his heart at peace,

there’s nothing to be done,

nothing to add

to what’s done.

As a single mass of rock isn’t moved by the wind,

even so all

forms, flavors, sounds,

aromas, contacts,

ideas desirable & not,

have no effect on one who is Such.

The mind

—still, totally released—

focuses on

their passing away.


1. See SN 48:10

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