AN3_71: Mūluposatha Sutta

Mūluposatha Sutta - translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

One should not kill a being

or take what is not given;

should not tell a lie

or be a drinker of strong drink;

should abstain from uncelibacy, the sexual act;

should not eat at night, the wrong time of day;

should not wear a garland or use a scent;

should sleep on a pallet, a mat spread on the ground—

for this eight-factored uposatha

has been proclaimed by the Awakened One

to lead to the end

of suffering & stress.

The moon & sun, both fair to see,

shedding radiance wherever they go,

& scattering darkness as they move through space,

brighten the sky, illumining the quarters.

Within their range is found wealth:

pearl, crystal, beryl,

lucky-gem, platinum, nugget-gold,

& the refined gold called ‘Haṭaka.’

Yet they—

like the light of all stars

when compared with the moon—

aren’t worth one sixteenth

of the eight-factored uposatha.

So whoever—man or woman—

is endowed with the virtues

of the eight-factored uposatha,

having done meritorious deeds,

productive of bliss,

beyond reproach, goes

to the heavenly state.

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