“Monks, there are three causes for the origination of action. Which three? With reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born. With reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born. With reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born.
“And how is it that, with reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born? With reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, one thinks about & evaluates with one’s awareness. To one who—with reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion—is thinking & evaluating with one’s awareness, desire is born. With the birth of desire, one is joined to those things. That, I tell you, is a fetter: that one’s awareness is impassioned. This is how, with reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born.
“And how is it that, with reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born? With reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, one thinks about & evaluates with one’s awareness. To one who—with reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion—is thinking & evaluating with one’s awareness, desire is born. With the birth of desire, one is joined to those things. That, I tell you, is a fetter: that one’s awareness is impassioned. This is how, with reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born.
“And how is it that, with reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born? With reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, one thinks about & evaluates with one’s awareness. To one who—with reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion—is thinking & evaluating with one’s awareness, desire is born. With the birth of desire, one is joined to those things. That, I tell you, is a fetter: that one’s awareness is impassioned. This is how, with reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is born.
“There are these three causes for the origination of action.”
“Monks, there are three [other] causes for the origination of action. Which three? With reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born. With reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born. With reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born.
“And how is it that, with reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born? With reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, one discerns their future (kammic) results. Knowing their future results, one drops them. Dropping them, making them fade from one’s awareness, piercing them with discernment, one sees. This is how, with reference to things in the past that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born.
“And how is it that, with reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born? With reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, one discerns their future (kammic) results. Knowing their future results, one drops them. Dropping them, making them fade from one’s awareness, piercing them with discernment, one sees. This is how, with reference to things in the future that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born.
“And how is it that, with reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born? With reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, one discerns their future (kammic) results. Knowing their future results, one drops them. Dropping them, making them fade from one’s awareness, piercing them with discernment, one sees. This is how, with reference to things in the present that provide the occasion for desire & passion, desire is not born.
“Monks, there are these three causes for the origination of action.”
Origin URL: https://www.dhammatalks.org/suttas/AN/AN3_113.html